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The AHA Moment: Introducing Study Abroad Consulting

While watching Tania teach us how to create landing pages with Tilda, something just clicked in my mind. I experienced that AHA moment, a sudden insight or discovery. I had been contemplating it for a long time, unable to see a solution, and then it suddenly became clear. I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't realized the solution earlier when it seemed so simple...

The story began when our children studied abroad. People started asking us about enrolling in universities overseas, securing scholarships, necessary preparations, finding the best English teachers, and more. My friends suggested that we should start a study abroad consulting service. At that time, I smiled and pondered the cost of renting a physical space for it. I questioned our potential success and wondered why people would choose us amidst the sea of competitors.

Time passed, but the idea continued to linger in my mind. The one ability I could be proud of at that moment was my consistency in conducting internet searches for undergraduate scholarships. I delved deeper by seeking information from students who had enrolled in universities abroad and watched relevant YouTube videos. All of my efforts paid off when my sons were admitted with scholarships.

Deep down in our hearts, my friends and I want many students to have access to the right information so they can see the possibilities of studying abroad. This journey can be a transformative experience, pushing individuals outside their comfort zones, fostering personal growth, and enhancing language skills, among other benefits.

While I had helped some students informally, I had not approached it professionally. However, when I saw how Tania created a landing page, I suddenly realized that the Study Abroad Consulting idea could be pursued remotely. I simply needed to dedicate my time and share my knowledge, and I could do it from the comfort of my own homes or any location.

I started by creating a Study Abroad Consulting landing page, a Study Abroad Guide blog, and preparing my portfolio. Just yesterday, I shared my idea with a friend, and her excitement mirrored my own. We hope that our dream will come true, and we trust in God's blessings.

So here I am now, diligently preparing, learning more, seeking collaboration with other friends, and finding clients. I ask for your prayers and support. I am incredibly grateful for the SGB VA course, especially Tania and Alexa. That's why I decided to write this blog post. I hope that the entire SGB VA course community, both current students and alumni, can find success. Let us grow together.

For those who are still hesitant, please share your reasons in the comments below. Joining the SGB VA course is a worthwhile investment for yourself and the people around you. The knowledge, skills, and mindset we acquire in the SGB VA course far exceed the monetary value we pay. Find the nearest SGB VA course free webinar schedule and take the first step towards a transformative journey. 

With heartfelt gratitude, 

Yusi Setiawati
SGB VA Course Batch 11


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