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My Experience with SGB VA Course: Ups and Downs


Learning something new is a challenging experience. Sometimes, we find excitement, but many times we have to navigate through the valley of disappointment when our expectations don't align with reality.

James Clear, the author of "Atomic Habits," states, "We often expect progress to be linear and quick, but in reality, the results of our efforts are often delayed."

I felt excited when Tania taught us about the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). I had heard about ChatGPT and Bard before taking the SGB VA course, but it was only when Tania showed examples that I truly understood how to use them correctly. I was amazed at how AI could assist us. If we insist on using old methods, we automatically fall behind those who embrace technology.

One particular task that stood out was when we had to create "10 captions for IG including hashtags" and post them on our Instagram accounts. We were allowed to use AI for this task.

During my learning and trial-and-error phase, I encountered challenges before understanding what I needed to do. I distinctly remember when I struggled to save images during my initial attempts with I was working on my laptop and wanted to save the pictures I had created so that I could manually post them from my mobile phone (even though I knew I could connect directly to my Instagram). I felt confused and disappointed, as if I had fallen into a valley of frustration. It seemed like a simple task, but I couldn't figure out the solution. After spending hours on it, I finally decided to ask for help. I felt relieved when I received assistance and was able to resolve the issue, completing the task much faster.

On the last day, just hours before the deadline, I observed some of my friends still struggling. It reminded me of the story of a carpenter and his axe. The carpenter was diligently working to cut down a tree, but he was using an old and blunt axe. Many people advised him to sharpen the axe, but he angrily dismissed their suggestions, saying, "Can't you see that I am busy? I have no time for rest, let alone sharpening the axe."

Image from
Despite working extremely hard, he couldn't finish his job efficiently. We often behave like the carpenter, unwilling to invest in something that could be beneficial. We remain busy with our own methods. Does this story resonate with you?

In the story, a kind person approached the carpenter and offered to lend him a power saw, along with guidance on how to use it. However, the carpenter stubbornly rejected the offer, insisting on sticking to his old ways.

This story is similar to how we perceive AI. With AI, many tasks can be completed instantly. But if we are unwilling to learn and uninterested in utilizing it, progress becomes challenging.

The same can be said for Virtual Assistants (VAs). If you are an entrepreneur or a busy businessperson, I encourage you to consider the benefits of virtual assistant services. Let a virtual assistant handle your mundane and time-consuming tasks, allowing you more free time to focus on strategic endeavors that can help you generate more revenue.

Are you someone who faces dilemmas similar to the carpenter's? I invite you to join the SGB VA course. Or perhaps you are seeking virtual assistant support? Take a look and find your VA candidate from the SGBVA course.


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