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Meet My Student Advisor: Alexa


The SGB VA course began on June 13, 2023, so I still have a few days to prepare myself. I read the bonus eBooks and then we were invited to several groups on Telegram. We learned how to submit tasks, and we also took an online personality test through From that personality test, I understood myself better and was amazed at how well the test knew me.

We were divided into small groups, and at that time, I found out that Alexa was assigned as my Student Advisor. She is very clever, kind, supportive, and communicative. When we had the "Write 10 Achievements" task, I decided to share more about myself so that Alexa would know how to support me.

Having someone who can understand is truly grateful. I can be myself and express my true feelings, and Alexa responds with encouraging words that help calm me down. Her support means a lot to me.

Alexa always encourages us in our small group. The comfort zone picture that Alexa sent to us helps me understand the concept of stepping out of my comfort zone. I am exposed to new and challenging tasks, pushing myself beyond my limits and doing things that I wouldn't normally do. This means exposing myself to the possibility of stress and anxiety. I have to overcome my fears and enter the learning zone.

If there were no Student Advisor in the SGB VA course, there were many times when I felt like giving up and not wanting to do tasks that I didn't like. Fortunately, the SGB VA course has been organized so well. Every time I feel uncomfortable, I talk to Alexa, and she provides me with valuable advice.

Now we are in week 5, the final week of this course. After this course ends, I will miss my daily activities and the moments when I read private comments from Alexa.

I believe that having Student Advisors is what makes the SGBVirtual Assistant course reputable. In addition to that, the SGB VA course is suitable for beginners, affordable, and offered in English. If you want to know how to become a virtual assistant, you can join the SGB VA course. If you're still unsure, you can attend the SGB VA free webinar.


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