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Most Frustrating Moment: Should I Do The Task?

Despite experiencing many exciting moments in the SGB VA course, I have also felt frustrated at times. My brain and heart rebelled against me, causing me to deliberately delay tasks.  I felt a conflict within myself, making it hard to decide whether I should do the task or not. 

A few days before the task was assigned, we learned about Upwork. The issue I encountered was not with Upwork itself, but rather with my own abilities. After creating an account on Upwork, I began searching for jobs that aligned with the services I wanted to offer. I chose Research and Data Analysis, feeling confident and happy about my choice because it matched my personality and previous experience in research and analysis.

However, I forgot that what I had learned two decades ago was no longer something to be proud of. When I read the Research jobs on Upwork, I was shocked to realize that I couldn't handle any of them. It felt as though I was reading an exam test for which I had not studied. I not only lacked the answers, but I also struggled to understand.

Initially, I tried to forget about it, but a few days later, we were given the task to find and apply for five jobs on Upwork. I felt deeply upset and pondered the situation intensely. Should I do the task or simply ignore it? Conflicting thoughts stirred within me.

I decided to tackle other tasks first, but the lingering annoyance persisted. Eventually, I mustered the courage to open my Upwork account again. I searched for jobs in different categories, opting for entry-level positions and carefully reading each one. Slowly but surely, I found one job that I knew I could handle. I felt tired, closed the browser, and tried again another day. Finally, after finding five suitable jobs, I felt a sense of relief. I knew there was little hope of being accepted, but I had successfully overcome my own doubts. I appreciated myself for not giving up.

This experience reminded me of the valley of disappointment. I knew I couldn't stay there forever; I had to move on. So I pushed myself and felt immense happiness when I finally succeeded. 

To my friends reading this, if you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or demotivated, remember to take a step forward from that situation. Don't give up. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

As Tania said, "Embrace imperfection: progress, not perfection. Perfection does not magically appear without practice. Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. Each stumble is an opportunity to learn and grow."

If you would like to have Tania as your teacher, please do not hesitate to join the SGB VA course.


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